Tuesday 5 April 2011

Same old story

QPR 3 - 0 Sheffield United

I don't think that any Sheffield United fan reallistically expected us to win yesterday. After all QPR were 6 points clear at the top of the table going into the match so what chance did a team like us stand?

Well in all fairness we didn't do that badly. Before QPR scored their first goal we had had a good 5 minute spell and I was beginning to believe we could take the lead.

But then along comes Neil Collins, we all know that the Blade's defence is very poor but this lad really goes above and beyond that. He's meant to be a professional football player but cant hold a defensive line? Awful awful player.

Of course Nyron Nosworthy isn't much better, we all knew he was a donkey that tries too many tricks next to his own goal, and when it worked against Leeds it was great to watch. However yesterday we saw once again what happens when it doesn't work, okay there's an argument for the ball not going out of play for a corner, but if Nosworthy had dealt with the situation properly the ball would be nowhere near the line anyway!

Our problems don't just lie with the defence though. When Stephen Quinn went through on goal after their first goal I was sure he would score, it was actually inconceivable to me that he could miss the target completely but the lad managed just that!

Then Daniel Bogdanovitch missed a sitter right after half time, again when it was still one nil. Fair enough Quinny should have done better but he's a midfielder, Boggy is a striker! No striker should be missing the target from 5 yards away!

Apart from the few defensive errors that got punished and our lack of a finish the Blades did alright I thought. I definitely don't think that three nil is a fair reflection of how we played, but that's football for you and with 7 matches left to go and 7 points behind Palace I really can't see us performing a great escape.

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